Wednesday, May 6, 2020

I Will Write Peace On Your Wings And You Will Fly All Over...

Ishwari Tamang Maynard, Katherine H. Dimensions of Freedom Paper Cranes â€Å"I will write peace on your wings and you will fly all over the world - Sadako Sasaki† When I was in middle school my teacher asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up. My replied was â€Å"Happy.† I know it was an odd reply, but I ended up saying happiness: from what I knew happiness had different faces. Some versions of happiness weren’t appealing to me, some were beautiful. Like all the other kids, I thought the beautiful versions were the ones on TV. This was the life to strive for. Today, I am inspired by this quote by Sadako Sasaki: â€Å"I will write peace on your wings and you will fly all over the world - Sadako Sasaki†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦show more content†¦In this moment, seeing this materialistic happiness, I saw that for people buying happiness in this form, it was really something that distracted them from reality. It was such an appealing and tempting version of happiness that in that moment, I too was pulled in. Looking more at the brand labels and sales stickers. This was also one of the joyous moment in my life. I had the opportunity to enjoy and experience the other side. However, after this, I found I was now content with a warm bed, food on my plate and love from my family. That is all I needed in my life and I wouldn’t change for anything. You may say I am less fortunate if you believe in that materialistic happiness; being a refugee, having ‘less’ than the rest, but I will say I am one of the most fortunate. People see me and rather than looking at the whole story, they base their beliefs only on what they want to see and the assumptions they hold. I got the life I did, being born in a refugee camp facing persecution and contrary to what people see, I still have the courage to say I am one of the lucky few in this chaotic world. There are those with nothing, I at least for one have a loving family and a food on my plate and this is a luxury most can’t afford in this world. I always think about those childr en in the temple which I frequently played with. They had nothing and it hurts me to think what might have happened toShow MoreRelatedThe Parrot And The Mockingbird1402 Words   |  6 Pagesthey had the right to make all the noise they wished. Mr. Pontellier had the privilege of quitting their society when they ceased to be entertaining†(Chopin 1). The parrot and the mockingbird symbolize the novel s women as they are caged. In contrast to Là ©once Pontellier who has the freedom to move around. Kate Chopin utilizes the imagery of birds in order to express how women in this case Edna wish to fly over social traditions for an opportunity to be free from all restrictions. 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